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What we’re about

Old and New members - Please read the following in its entirety before riding with us every time as the content below is subject to change.

Welcome to Chicago Desi Riders ("CDR", abbreviated). First and foremost, every rider is or not!

We are a group of riders who enjoy riding. We "prefer" twisties over straight roads and country roads over highways/tollways. Occasionally, we will slab it but we do take the group into consideration. You will rarely see us riding in major cities so if riding 10 miles in traffic and parking your bike by a bar is your thing, we're not the group for you. We are a patient group for new members but if you are brand new and not comfortable riding up to 70mph, some rides may not be for you. In that event, reach out and we can all plan better or suggest alternatives.

Our group has been riding together since 2015.

Due to work schedules, we usually ride on weekends but we do have one retired dude on our squad who may be more open to riding with you in the week days. Just know that we usually don't get out of bed for rides less than 50 miles.

Check out some of our photos from past rides on the photos page.


  1. Only RSVP if you plan to attend. If you are no longer able to attend, please update your RSVP as soon as possible.
  2. Not showing up at an event results in a no show. 
    Changing your RSVP to No within two hours of the event start time also counts as a no show.
  3. Three no shows within a year can result in membership suspension or a temporary removal from the group.
    4)  We try to keep our membership to around 50 so we may trim you out if you don't ride with us often. Once you are ready to ride with us you can ask to rejoin
    5. We have the right to not accept you or revoke your membership at any time, no hard feelings

-------------------------------- Legal stuff below ---------------------------------------


Folks, we are not here for profit, there are no fees. Meetup is just a platform for everyone to get together and we all ride our own rides and responsible for our own safety. At any point in time, if you feel pressured to do anything that you deem is unsafe to you and others, please know that you are an adult and you have the power and flexibility to do your own thing that doesn't endanger you or others. Some more details below.

Per the Electronic Records and Signatures in Commerce Act, Public Law 106-229, by joining this group, you agree to all the terms listed.

Our Philosophy:

Chicago Desi Riders (or "CDR", abbreviated), is a non-professional meet-up group that only provides a way for you to connect with others who enjoy motorcycling and associated activities. No one in this group is a professional adventure organizer, trainer, represents any organization or a tour guide or some sort of an outfitter operation.

Motorcycling can be physically and mentally demanding. It can involve significant risks and hazards, such as collision with pedestrians, animals, other vehicles, crashes where you or others can break bones, have trauma, kill or be killed, cause property damage (to name a few risks) during any riding activity. You must acknowledge awareness of these risks, foreseen and unforeseen, which are inherent in each meet-up's activities and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity.

To repeat - This meet-up group and its organizers does not, in any way, claim to be professionals or otherwise licensed, certified, trained, etc. to provide any service. Any certifications or training by members, organizer, assistants-organizers, members or leaders are solely independent from the group, whether expressed or not; and cannot be held liable through posting events via Meetup and/or "CDR".

Please know that none of the organizers are trained in extensive emergency medical procedures. Since most "CDR" activities occur on our public roads, highways and biways and even remote country roads, by participating in a motorcycling activity, you are acknowledging that you are aware and understand that in the event of a serious medical emergency, treatment may be multiple hours, maybe even days away.

Motorcycling and other posted "CDR" events are inherently dangerous, and accidents may happen. By participating in any posted event, you're taking responsibility for your own safety and well-being. By RSVP'ing, signing up for an event, joining "CDR" as a member you are agreeing that you are waiving any and all legal or civil rights for responsibility to the Organizer and any other members within the group. "CDR" and its organizers, assistant organizers, trip leaders, and other members, are not trained leaders and we do not confirm the qualifications of any of its members to lead or participate in trips. All participants take full responsibility for their own actions. If you choose to sign up for any "CDR" events, you are releasing "CDR", it's organizers and members from all liability in case of possible injuries. Your personal safety depends on your own judgment and experience.

To the Fullest Extent allowed by law, you WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY the "CDR" Group and its Organizers from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries, personal or property, and while participating in or traveling to or from any activity.

IN SHORT, BY PARTICIPATING IN A "CDR" activity, you accept and assume all risks and full responsibility for losses, costs and damages for yourself, your family and children, friends, and your guests.

Upcoming events (1)

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